Google unveils a major Search Partner Network update as it removes the opt-out option


Google gives advertisers more control over ad placement within its search partner network.

Starting March 4, advertisers using Performance Max will have access to impression-level placement reporting from sites in the Search Partner Network.

Additionally, if you exclude certain ad placements at the account level, this now applies to the Search Partner Network, as well as YouTube and display ads. Advertising age.

Why now? These substantial changes come after an Adalytics report accused Google of quietly placing search ads on inappropriate non-Google websites through the Search Partner Network – including sites containing pornographic, sanctioned and illegal content. Google denied the claims and says Adalytics has a track record of publishing inaccurate reports that misrepresent Google’s products.

Changes. Before the Adalytics report was published in November, all Pmax campaigns were automatically opted into the Search Partner Network and could not opt ​​out. For other campaigns, opting in to search partners was the default, but advertisers had the option to opt out.

Following the Adalytics report, Google has temporarily allowed this Pmax users can unsubscribe from search partners’ inventory until March 1. With this option removed, Google now offers advertisers unprecedented insights and control over ad placement within its search partner network.

Why we care. Advertisers gain better control and insight into the placement of their ads within the search partner network. This allows them to eliminate concerns about their ads being placed near inappropriate content, protecting their brand reputation.

What is the Search Partner Network? The Search Partner Network consists of websites and apps that work with Google to serve search ads. This network extends beyond traditional search platforms to include major Google sites such as YouTube and Google Discover. Additionally, it includes numerous other websites that may not be directly related to typical search activity.

Why are campaigns added to the SPN? Google Opts campaigns have been opted into the Search Partner Network because the search engine claims it sees “a measurable improvement” in clicks and conversions when advertisers expand their reach to these sites. By signing up for the SPN, the advertiser can reach customers on sites such as YouTube.

What is analytical? Adalytics is a crowdsourced ad performance optimization platform designed to assess and improve the digital advertising landscape.

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Deep dive. You can learn more about Adalytics’ research by reading the report’Does a lack of transparency raise brand safety concerns for search advertisers?


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