WalkerOS: A data collection alternative to gtag.js


Google’s popular gtag.js library enables data collection Google Analytics 4 and Google Ads easily.

However, it also connects you to Google’s ecosystem. You lose control and flexibility in record keeping.

Enter walkerOS. This new open-source tracking library from ElbWalker aims to give you customizable control back. This allows you to send data wherever you want, not just to Google. It also claims better performance thanks to a lightweight codebase.

This article examines whether walkerOS delivers on its promises. We will also:

  • Compare the features, flexibility and ease of use with the Google tag.
  • Learn the cases where switching makes sense, along with the potential drawbacks.

What is gtag.js?

The Google tag, or gtag.js, is a Google JavaScript library that tracks and collects data and serves as a comprehensive link between your site and various Google services, including Google Ads and Google Analytics 4.

Unlike ga.js and analytics.js, which were only limited to analytics, gtag.js offers a single solution.

It achieves efficiencies by using other libraries instead of processing analytics and capturing conversion data directly, essentially acting as a framework for those libraries.

This makes things easier during the installation and integration processes, while reducing the need for extensive code changes.

Gtag.js combines multiple tracking tags into one, unlike Google Tag Manager. This simplifies the user experience, making event detection and cross-domain tracking easier.

Overall, it more easily provides detailed insights into visitor behavior and traffic sources, increasing usability.

Dig deeper: Google releases a simple, centralized tagging solution

Why should you look for a gtag.js alternative?

While gtag.js is the industry standard for Google Analytics and ad tracking, there are situations where alternatives are preferable. Reasons include privacy, lightweight libraries, server-side data collection, and data ownership to prevent vendor lock-in.

Alternatives can provide better control over user data, aiding compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. They may offer features such as data anonymization and selective data collection. This ensures that data is managed in accordance with the organization’s privacy policy, reducing the risk of data being shared with third parties.

Page speed is critical, so optimizing the performance of JavaScript libraries is important. Although gtag.js is lightweight, using multiple libraries can slow down a site.

Smaller libraries improve load times and improve user experience, especially on mobile. Consider multi-destination libraries for better performance.

From a data security perspective:

  • Sensitive information can be better secured and the risk of the client being intercepted or manipulated is reduced.
  • Server-side data collection can bypass issues with ad blockers or browsers that restrict tracking scripts, potentially providing more accurate analytics data.

Exploring alternatives provides flexibility in data management, avoiding vendor lock-in and price restrictions.

Owning your data enables seamless integration with different systems and customized analytics solutions. For example, if Google Analytics 4 permission is denied, your tag server may not receive all the data.

What is walkerOS?

This is where the walkerOS library comes into play.

WalkerOS (also known as walker.js) provides a flexible data management system that allows users to tailor data collection and processing to their needs.

It is designed to be versatile, from simple utilities to complex configurations. The main goal is to ensure that data is sent reliably to each chosen tool.

Simply put, you can deploy walker.js and send data to all the places for analytics and advertising purposes you need. There’s no need to have a huge amount of different tags.

The walkerOS event model provides a unified framework to meet the needs of analytics, marketing, privacy, and data science through an entity action methodology.

This approach, which is fundamental to walkerOS, systematically categorizes interactions by identifying the ‘entity’ involved and the ‘action’ performed. This structured yet customizable model provides a deep understanding of user behavior.

WalkerOS stands out for its customizability in event tracking, allowing customization based on specific business needs rather than conforming to pre-set analytical frameworks.

The philosophy behind walkerOS is to make tracking intuitive and understandable for all stakeholders, improving data quality and usability within an organization.

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Working with walker.js and what to look out for

Getting started requires some technical knowledge and understanding, but it’s not as difficult as it seems. The walker.js web client can be deployed directly via code via the Google Tag Manager (recommended) and via npm.

All events are now sent to the dataLayer from where we can start tagging via Google Tag Manager.

The tagging process means we want to define the events we want to capture and send, such as filter usage, e-commerce purchases, adds to carts, item views, and more.

Walker.js provides a good range of triggers that we can use, starting from click, load, send, hover or custom actions. You can also add destination tags and define where the captured data should be sent.

WalkerOS event tripWalkerOS event trip

Walker.js works on pre-built destinations such as Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Meta Pixel, Piwik PRO, and Plausible Analytics. It also provides an API to send custom events to any destination that can receive them.

I recommend using them demo page to play with it.

Switching from gtag.js: What to consider

Moving from gtag.js to an alternative like walker.js for tracking and data collection comes with considerations and potential drawbacks depending on your specific needs and configuration. Here are some of the most important points to consider:

Integration with Google products

In terms of integration, gtag.js is designed to work seamlessly with Google’s suite of products, including Google Analytics, Google Ads, and more.

An alternative such as walker.js does not offer the same level of native integration, which may complicate installation of these services. You need technical insight to implement and maintain.

Function support and customization

Gtag.js supports a wide range of out-of-the-box features tailored to Google’s platforms. Walker.js may not support all of these features directly or may require additional modifications to achieve similar functionality.

Ease of implementation for Google users

Gtag.js offers an easy implementation process for those already using Google products. Users may find that walker.js requires more technical knowledge to customize and integrate effectively.

Google’s extensive documentation and community support make troubleshooting and learning easier. Walker.js is less widespread and may have more limited resources for support and guidance.

Investigate options for collecting and tracking GA4 data

The decision between using gtag.js or switching to an alternative like walker.js depends on your specific use case and needs. If you rely heavily on the Google ecosystem and want seamless integration, then gtag.js is probably your best choice.

For those who need more control and flexibility in collecting and using data across systems, walkerOS provides a lightweight, customizable tracking solution.

While the setup requires more technical knowledge, the ability to take ownership of your data and reduce vendor dependency offers long-term strategic benefits for many companies.

Dig deeper: How to set up Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily those of Search Engine Land. Staff authors are credited here.


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